Thursday, September 25, 2014

Third Photo Assignment: My Third Rule

Rule of Texture:
The many veins of the leaf, the water droplets, and the stem provide texture to my photo.

Rules of Composition:
1. Leaning In- Link to Leaning In
2. Avoid the Middle- Link to Avoiding the Middle
3. Texture- Link to Texture

Second Photo Assignment: My Second Rule

Rule of Avoiding the Middle:
My focus is on the girl, but I avoided making her the center of the frame because it can get boring. This will also give a visual balance, because the blue color of her outfit pops out. 

 Avoid the Middle- Link to Avoiding the Middle

First Photo Assignment: My First Rule

Rule of Leaning In:
When the person or thing is leaning in towards the inside of the frame, it attracts attention to her gaze. In this case, she is looking down to the center of the photo, bringing awareness to the details of the photo (the flowers on her shirt, the rocks on the bench).

Leaning In- Link to Leaning In